Niek van Sambeek

last Friday I attend a trackday at Oulton Park where also the car had some photographs taken and a test drive by the Editor and team from 911 & Porsche world.

I also had a run in a friends 968CS Race car, and then after this I fit on my car 8×16 Wheels & R888 Toyo tyres and raise the suspension settings from 10 front & back to 18 and the car feels quicker and easier to drive than the race car!

I then increase to 20 and 22 and the difference was more significant improvements, it must be all credit to the ARC and Titan coating etc…that my car even with 170lbs front / 220lbs Torsion bars+ 80lbs coils rear handle just as good if not better than the racecar which have Profelex suspension and 300+lbs springs!

I can feel the car gets better the harder it is pushed, which gives great confidence on a track and then also shows me how much more the car can be pushed without any issues.

I had no understeer or oversteer anywhere!  and a friend with a Clio cup Racecar tells me the car is very “Flat” everywhere in corners!

I change the suspension to seting 10 front & rear and then drive home in good comfort!